Benedictine College Preparatory

At Benedictine, we form Cadets as Christian men of conscience, discipline, and achievement, and we have been living out this mission since our founding in 1911. With a rigorous academic curriculum, a proven military leadership program, and outstanding athletics all supported by Catholic values, it is no question that Benedictine offers the best opportunity for young men in the Richmond area to receive a strong, holistic education. Benedictine has formed over four generations of Richmond’s young men for success in college and in life by caring for the spirit along with the mind. We aggressively seek to prepare students for the future by helping them reach their academic potential, developing leadership skills, and cultivating their faith and spirituality. Each Cadet is provided the tools to be a successful leader in the greater community and in his personal lives.
Discover the Benedictine Advantage

We Are Benedictine
College Prep

Benedictine College Prep is an independent Catholic, college-preparatory, day school for young men grades 9-12. Benedictine offers the best opportunity for young men in the Richmond area to receive a strong, Catholic high school education and is well-regarded for its competitive academics and its outstanding athletic programs. We encourage you to visit Benedictine, not only to tour the campus and state-of-the-art facilities, but also to meet our beloved faculty and talented students. We want you to get to know us, and we can’t wait to meet you.
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List of 11 items.

  • 73

    Acre Campus
  • 3.4

    in BSoR financial aid and scholarships awarded in the 23-24 school year
  • 13

  • 21

  • 20%

    Ethnic Diversity
  • 19

    Average Class Size
  • 34

    Total Faculty
  • 47

    Honors & AP Courses
  • 14

  • BCP

  • 298

    Total Enrollment

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